Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Header, New Look..

Yes, I'm dusting off the cobwebs on our blog and posting
up our new header. I've come up with several but decided on
this one for now. I'm still brainstorming more things to add
on here to get things more interesting and worth your visit.

The picture in the header is a 2 color concrete overlay we
installed in the pearl district for a designer. We used Skimstone
products for this job. I'll admit it was a labor intensive job.
What do I mean by that? The GC that was there before us,
couldn't remove the mastic off the floor and they were using
whatever they could to remove it, but it just wouldn't budge.
Luckily for our training with specialty painting a month before
we were introduced to a product that would turn that mastic
into goo that looks like peanut butter and is easy to remove
without all the back breaking work. This was a 2,000 sq. ft.
garage for the client, who wanted to turn it into an office/
showroom. I wish they would've gone with a Modello Design
too. That would've been breathtaking as well. Here are a
couple of Modello Designs combined with Skimstone products.
by other designers. They're called concrete carpets and are
stunning to look at. It looks and feels like suede after it dries.
I love this stuff. They're also used on cork flooring and wood
floors in case you're wondering. (I mean the Modellos)


Tell me what you think and what you'd like to see more of
on here.We've just moved from our Happy Valley location
to Portland or Gresham. We got more room here to expand.
I'm working on a display that will be outside 24 hours for our
clients to check out as well as a separate page for services,
faqs and such. Stay tuned for upcoming pictures and information.